From Game Console to Climate Action: How Games Like ‘Climate Survivors’ Inspire Real-World Change

In the battle of Climate action video games are emerging as powerful tools, offering a unique way to engage players in environmental issues through immersive storytelling and interactive gameplay. By simulating real-world scenarios and the impacts of climate change, games like CHOICE’ s “Climate Survivors” game educate players on the importance of sustainable practices and the consequences of different actions. This experiential learning approach fosters empathy, raises awareness, and can drive behavioral change, making video games an innovative medium for promoting climate education and inspiring action towards a more sustainable future. 

The potential of video games to engage and educate on climate issues was prominently featured in two episodes of the popular podcast “Das Klima.” These episodes, titled “Endboss Klimakrise: Mit Games dem Klimaschutz helfen” (Final Boss Climate Crisis: Helping Climate Protection with Games), included discussions on various climate-related games, showcasing how they can be powerful tools for climate communication. 

During these podcasts the CHOICE climate expert, Jan Steinhauser from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), shared several insights on the role of games and climate action highlighting several games, including CHOICE’s “Climate Survivors.” By featuring the game on such widely recognized platforms, the CHOICE project effectively reaches new audiences, amplifying its impact in promoting climate action through innovative, interactive approaches.

Postcast episodes

"Climate Survivors" Game in "Das Klima" Podcast

Jan Steinhauser has participated as a guest in episodes 117 and 118 of the popular German speaking podcast series "Das Klima" (The Climate), aiming to explore the science behind the (climate) crisis, where he had the opportunity to explain the science behind climate game research. During the very interesting discussion he also had the chance to emphasize the recent demo release of “Climate Survivors”, a climate game which is utilized in the CHOICE project to enhance awareness and encourage sustainable practices as part of its pilot campaigns.

“Das Klima”, episode 117 – Part 1

This episode introduces the concept of climate games and explores how video games can be a powerful tool for climate engagement. Jan, as an expert in climate research and video games, shared insights on how games can effectively communicate the complexities of the climate crisis while briefly introducing the CHOICE project concept focusing on “Climate Survivors” as an enabler for the project’s pilot campaigns’ implementation. The full episode is available here.

“Das Klima”, episode 118 – Part 2

Episode 118 of “Das Klima” delves deeper into specific climate-related games, including “Climate Survivors.” The discussion highlights how the game uses interactive storytelling to engage players and raise awareness about climate and biodiversity crises. You can listen the full episode here.

The two episodes have reached approximately 10,000 listeners per episode, primarily from end-user communities, the climate community, and the general public. This broad audience exposure helps to amplify the CHOICE project’s message and encourages more people to engage with “Climate Survivors”, currently released as a concept demo for Linux and Windows [download link on Steam].

Twitch Stream

Showcased on "Forschungsstrom" Twitch Stream

“Climate Survivors” was also featured on the popular Twitch stream series “Forschungsstrom,” which focuses on science communication. The game was showcased in the most recent episode, titled “Climate Games with Jan and Claudia”. This episode was part of a crossover event with the “Das Klima” podcast, bringing together climate games and discussions to a live audience. 

This online demonstration of “Climate Survivors” among other games allowed viewers to see it in action and understand how it blends entertainment with education to highlight the urgency of climate action. By engaging with a live audience, the stream further expanded the reach of the game, encouraging viewers to reflect on their role in combating climate change.

You can watch the YouTube recording here ( “Climate Survivors” demonstration at 2:12:33).

Engaging and Educating Through Play

The inclusion of “Climate Survivors” in these popular platforms demonstrates the transformative potential of video games as tools for climate education and engagement. By combining this type of entertainment with scientific research, CHOICE is pioneering new ways to communicate critical climate issues and inspire action across diverse audiences. These efforts amplify the impact of the project, reaching new audiences and encouraging a collective shift towards sustainable practices. Stay tuned for more updates on how CHOICE continues to innovate in climate communication and engage with communities worldwide! For more updates, follow us on social media and stay informed on the project’s latest advances.