
ATHINA-Erevnitiko Kentro Kainotomias stis Technologies tis Pliroforias, ton Epikoinonion kai tis Gnosis


The Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) operates under the Athena Research Center. SDU, scientifically directed by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, engages in cutting-edge research to enable the transition to resilience and sustainability, through the implementation of UN Agenda 2030 (17 SDGs), the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. The Unit focuses on interdisciplinary systems research and the delivery of innovative solutions for the transition to a green, digital, job-based and fair future. Its large interdisciplinary team focuses on the inter-dependencies between research and innovation, the economy, the society, the environment, policy-making and politics. The thematic priorities of SDU are namely: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Sustainable Blue Growth, Water-Food-Energy Nexus, Circular Economy, Sustainable Finance, and Research Commercialization and Innovation Acceleration.

In collaboration with international research partners, SDU brings together experts from social sciences, mathematics, engineering, information technology and natural sciences, providing an integrated understanding of the ways these complex systems interact.

Role in CHOICE

The primary role of the Athena Research Center SDU is to provide the framework for mapping the socio-economic profiles of actors to ensure wide geographic and societal dispersity. Moreover, SDU will model the supply and demand chains behavioral change options and determine the pair of interventions and conversion goals matching each mitigation measure and local specificities for CHOICE pilots. Finally, randomized control experiments will be designed and implemented to evaluate and optimize messages, designs and interventions.

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